Learn PL/SQL Language

A block structured language that can have multiple blocks in it. Our tutorial includes all topics of PL/SQL language.

PL/SQL Introduction
Control Statements
PLSQL Concepts

Case in PL/SQL

The PL/SQL CASE statement facilitates you to execute a sequence of satatements based on a selector. A selector can be anything such as variable, function or an expression that the CASE statement checks to a boolean value.

The CASE statement works like the IF statement, only using the keyword WHEN. A CASE statement is evaluated from top to bottom. If it get the condition TRUE, then the corresponding THEN calause is executed and the execution goes to the END CASE clause.

Syntax for the CASE Statement:

 CASE [ expression ]  
 WHEN condition_1 THEN result_1  
    WHEN condition_2 THEN result_2  
    WHEN condition_n THEN result_n  
  ELSE result  

For example :

For example :

Now that you know case in PL/SQL, let's jump to Loops in PL/SQL

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