PHP String Interpolation
In PHP, you can use string interpolation with curly braces to embed variables and expressions within double-quoted strings. This feature allows you to include the values of variables and evaluate expressions directly within the string. Here's how string interpolation with curly braces works in PHP:
Basic Variable Interpolation:
You can include variable values directly within double-quoted strings by wrapping the variable name in curly braces preceded by a dollar sign ({$variable}).
$name = "John"; $message = "Hello, {$name}!"; echo $message; // Output: Hello, John!
Complex Expressions:
You can also evaluate complex expressions and include their results within the string using curly braces. The expression should be enclosed in {}.
$x = 5; $y = 3; $result = "The sum of {$x} and {$y} is {$x + $y}."; echo $result; // Output: The sum of 5 and 3 is 8.
Nested Curly Braces:
If you need to include literal curly braces within your interpolated string, you can escape them by doubling the braces ({{ or }}).
$name = "Alice"; $message = "Hello, {{$name}}!"; echo $message; // Output: Hello, {Alice}!
Array Indexing:
You can interpolate array elements or object properties using curly braces as well.
$person = ['name' => 'Alice', 'age' => 30]; $message = "Hello, {$person['name']}! You are {$person['age']} years old."; echo $message; // Output: Hello, Alice! You are 30 years old.
In next chapter is string heredoc in php
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